A fost lansat un videoclip pentru piesa 'The Promise' semnata de Chris Cornell

A fost lansat un videoclip pentru piesa 'The Promise' semnata de Chris Cornell

Piesa "The Promise", semnata si lansata de catre regretatul artist Chris Cornell in urma cu cateva luni, are acum si un videoclip oficial. "The Promise" este extrasa de pe coloana sonora a filmului cu acelasi titlu ce a avut premiera in luna Aprilie a acestui an, pelicula in care ii putem vedea pe actorii Christian Bale, Oscar Isaac si Charlotte le Bon.

Videoclipul piesei a fost programat sa fie lansat in data de 20 iunie, cunoscuta ca Ziua Mondiala a Refugiatilor, pentru a atrage un semnal de alarma asupra crizei curente a refugiatilor.

Videoclipul piesei poate fi urmarit mai jos.

"The Promise to me is mainly about paying homage to those we lost in the Armenian Genocide, but it’s also about shining a light on more recent atrocities. The same methods used in the Armenian genocide were used to carry out crimes against humanity in Bosnia, Darfur, Rwanda and right now in Syria on multiple fronts, contributing to a massive global refugee crisis. Unfortunately, the words ‘never again’ seem like just words when we recall these mass executions of the 20th century, as well as renewed racism and prejudice around the world.

“Even in the U.S., isolating groups based on race and religion – are evident. We really need to tell these stories and keep telling them in as many different ways as we can. As humans, we have a tremendous capacity to trudge ahead in our lives and not look at the difficult and challenging moments… but I think it’s important. Educating ourselves on the past is the best way to understand the present and avoid future atrocities by understanding and intervening. We must educate and stand as one to combat this fear and violence, and as citizens of the world, work to protect each other’s human rights.", a marturisit Chris Cornell cand a lansat piesa.

Chris Cornell, cunoscut ca solist al trupelor Soundgarden si Audioslave, a decedat in data de 18 mai. 

  • Data: 11:41 - 21.06.2017