Animals As Leaders iau in calcul ca pe urmatorul album sa aiba si voce

Animals As Leaders iau in calcul ca pe urmatorul album sa aiba si voce

 Animals As Leaders este o formatie etalon cand vine vorba de metal progresiv. Formatia a anuntat ca incearca sa lanseze la inceputul anului viitor un nou album.

In cadrul unui interviu oferit la Download Festival anul acesta, Javier Reyes a declarat ca incearca sa aduca noutati din punct de vedere muzical pe acest viitor album luand in calcul chiar si pasaje vocale.

"We try not to repeat ourselves too much, so we try to implement some new things in the album. I think this time around we might even have a guest instrumentalist... maybe a vocalist here and there. We don't know yet, there's a bunch of stuff in the air. We want to do something different, we already have, you know, five albums under our belt, so I think if we wanted to experiment, now's the time."

  • Data: 12:55 - 26.06.2019