Chitaristul trupei Katatonia a fost internat de urgenta

Chitaristul trupei Katatonia a fost internat de urgenta

Din pacate, Katatonia a fost obligata sa anuleze toate concertele din perioada urmatoare din cauza faptului ca Roger Ojersson, chitaristul trupei, a fost internat in spital. 

Se pare ca motivul este o accidentare suferita la spate. 

Anuntul a fost facuta printr-un comunicat postat pe una dintre retelele de socializare:

"We are very sorry to inform you that at this time we, Katatonia, are left with no option but to reschedule dates in Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

This is due to a sudden personal medical situation (which sadly has Roger hospitalized due to extensive back injury) and as the shows would be too compromised we do not feel that we can give you, our fans, our best performance.

All previous tickets remain valid for the rescheduled dates.

Thank you for your understanding."

  • Data: 10:38 - 5.12.2017