Membrii formatiei de metal Confess din Iran condamnati la inchisoare

Membrii formatiei de metal Confess din Iran condamnati la inchisoare

 Membrii formatiei Confess din Iran au fost condamnati la inchisoare de catre Tribunalul Revoutionar din Teheran.

Acestia au primit aceasta sentinta pentru ca au ales sa cante metal. Solsitul Nikan Khosravi a fost condamnat sa primeasca si 74 de lovituri cu biciul. Decizia este definitiva.

In urma cu 4 ani formatia a mai fost arestata de Garda Revolutionara a Iranului si au fost pasibili chiar de pedeapsa capitala. Khosravi a declarat atunci: "If you insult the Prophet you will get executed, because he's dead and he can't defend himself. But if you blaspheme God and question his existence, he can forgive you. That was why we didn't get executed."

Cei de la Loudwire au reusit sa obtina un document despre procesul celor doi artisti.

"Regarding the appeal of Mr. Arash Ilkhani and Mr. Nikan Khosravi, each of them have been convicted to 5 years in prison on charges of insulting the sanctity of Islam and one year in prison on charges of propaganda against the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, according to the set of contents, news, and received documents displaying the continuation of the activities, the court of appeals has found the allegations well-founded and precise. In the received documents, the court has convicted Mr. Nikan Khosravi to two years of imprisonment for three counts of insulting the Supreme Leader and the president. He has been sentenced to 6 months of imprisonment and 74 lashes for allegedly disturbing public opinion through the production of music containing anti-regime lyrics and insulting content and for participating in interviews with the opposition media. The accusation of attempting to leave the country has also been confirmed by the court. In this regard, Mr. Khosravi has been convicted to 4 years of imprisonment. Regarding Mr. Arash Ilkhani, the appeals court, by reviewing the contents of the case and considering his role in the production of content in the music group named “Confess” and his inactivity in the group during the trial, suspended 4 years from his 6 years of imprisonment and confirmed 2 years of his conviction.

The court declares this statement to reject the request of an appeal. This is the definitive vote."

  • Data: 13:34 - 11.07.2019