Nick Cave e de parere ca muzica rock ar trebui sa moara pentru o perioada

Nick Cave e de parere ca muzica rock ar trebui sa moara pentru o perioada

 Nick Cave a vorbit de curand despre starea muzicii rock iar parerea lui este ca aceastra ar trebui sa moara pentru o perioada, asta daca dorim ca ceva cu adevarat grandios sa se intample apoi.

Nu este primul artist care deplange starea in care a ajuns muzica rock, insa e de parare ca daca rock-ul ar disparea pentru o perioada de timp atunci acesta ar renaste introcandu-se in avanposturile industriei muzicale.

"Rock music has lurched and shuddered its way through its varied and tumultuous history and somehow managed to survive. It is within the very nature of rock 'n' roll to mutate and to transform – to die so it can live again.

Not so long ago the big idea in the world was freedom of expression. It looks like the new big idea is moralism. Will rock music survive this one? We shall see.

My feeling is that modern rock music, as we know it, has anyway been ailing for some time now. It has become afflicted with a kind of tiredness and confusion and faint-heartedness, and no longer has the stamina to fight the great battles that rock music has always fought."

Ramane de vazut daca rock-ul va muri in totalitate pentru ca apoi sa renasca mai puternic.

  • Data: 12:52 - 22.04.2019