Orphaned Land a fost premiata de Metal Hammer

Orphaned Land a fost premiata de Metal Hammer

Publicata la: 11:59 - 2.09.2024

 Pe 31 August au avut loc galele Metal Hammer Awards, ceremonie in cadrul careia Orphaned Land a primit premiul la categoria 'Attitude', datorita faptului ca formatia promoveaza ideea de pace intre toate religiile. 

Printre ceilalti artisti nominalizati la aceasta categorie s-au numarat Marko Hietala (mental health),  Heaven Shall Burn (Antifascism) Svalbard (mental health), Kissin' Dynamite (sprijinirea copiilor bolnavi de cancer), Within Temptation (sprijin pentru Ucraina), Rock in Rautheim (incluziune).

Iata ce a declarat Kobi Farhi, solist si membru fondator al formatiei: 

"Most difficult year in the whole 33 years of Orphaned Land's career.

Broken, confused, desperate. surrounded by endless death and hate, trying to stay alive or just keep our sanity above the water. 

This year taught us that some fans often tend to forget that we don't have super powers, we are only human beings, and when human beings are broken, we can always learn that the message might be stronger than the messenger.

Our biggest aspiration has always been to show that peace is possible, so that the children Abraham might form a metal band instead of fighting and dying.

Maybe my friends, hopefully, one morning we will all embrace what Orphaned Land had proven more than once to be possible. We have to believe that we shall overcome, someday.

Metal Hammer – I would like to thank you for planting new energies on our engines, I would like to thank also everybody at Century Media Records & Oktober promotion and I would like to dedicate this to the 108 kidnapped who are still down there at the tunnels, it is already too late. 

It is time to stop the war and BRING THEM HOME - NOW.

Once again - Thank you very much! Long live Heavy Metal."

Poze Poze pentru articole - Orphan Land MHammer awards

Nu uitati ca noi ne vedem cu Orphaned Land pe 18 Septembrie in Quantic.

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