Prashant Aswani: 'I look forward to experiencing your beautiful Country' (interviu)

Prashant Aswani: 'I look forward to experiencing your beautiful Country' (interviu)

Putini muzicieni se pot lauda cu un background atat de divers in muzica, de la muzica clasica indiana la rock fusion trecand prin multe alte genuri. Chiar si mai putini se pot lauda ca si-au inregistrat prmul album in timp ce erau inca studenti la Berklee College of Music. Prashant Aswani, insa, a bifat toate astea si inca alte cateva experiente uluitoare.

In timp ce era student la Berklee, a cantat in deschiderea unor artisti ca Andy Timmons, John Petrucci si Steve Morse. Prashant a fost muzician de acompaniament in turneele unor nume celebre precum Justin Timberlake, Christina Milian, Herbie Hancock, Steve Gadd, Darrell Diaz, Greg Howe, AJ Mclean, Jose Pasillas, Rhonda Smith.

A lansat patru albume solo incluzand “Revelation” (produs de Greg Howe), “Duality”, “Sonically Speaking”, “Visions” si o coloana sonora: “Frequency”. In acest moment, pe langa altele, Prashant produce albumul solo al lui AJ Mclean (Back Street Boys). In plus isi inregistreaza cel de-al cincilea album alaturi de Jose Pasillas (Incubus) si Rhonda Smith (Prince, Jeff Beck).


Metalhead: First of all Hello and Thank You for accepting this mini interview for our metalzine How was the passion for guitars planted in your soul? When did this happen? 

Prashant Aswani: Listening to AC/DC "Back in Black" album is what made me want to play guitar. The groove of Angus Young and Malcom young with the crazy raw energy and edge. Listening to that album still to this day gives me that same inspiration to play guitar. 

Metalhead: How did you get your first guitar? 

Prashant Aswani: My mom brought home an acoustic guitar back from India for me when I was 13 years old. I would lock myself in my room for hours playing that thing. 

Metalhead: Besides guitars, are you interested in any other types of instruments?

Prashant Aswani: I love drums and bass. I love groove. If I would ever switch to another instrument it would be bass. 

Metalhead: All guitar gods have a beautiful collection of incredible instruments but only one true love among them, which one is yours?

Prashant Aswani: Esp guitars makes all the guitars I play.  They are truly incredible works of art. However I don't really have a single favorite. But the one I am bringing to Romania is definitely one of my go to guitars. 

Metalhead: From where do you get your inspiration?

Prashant Aswani: I get inspired by my life experiences. Many times different struggles and hardships I have faced in my life are what drives my music and inspires creativity inside of me. Playing guitar is like a spiritual leveling for me. Like a meditation. I forget about everything around me when I play and I am able to stay right in the moment. 

Metalhead:  Are there anymore guitar techniques left to be invented? :) 

Prashant Aswani: Not sure. I don't really think about inventing techniques. I concern myself more with creating new music. :)

Metalhead: Do you believe in native talent or only in people who practice until their fingers bleed? 

Prashant Aswani: I have never practiced till my fingers bleed. Haha!! I do believe that practice is important. Having a natural talent can only take a person so far. At the end of the day no one is born playing an instrument masterfully. They have to pick it up every day and have a passion and drive to keep at it. Then their individual greatness can be realized. I also believe that a person’s life experience also adds so much to music. 

Metalhead: Eric Clapton or Jimi Hendrix? Which one is closer to your heart? Why? 

Prashant Aswani: Neither of them really. I grew up listening to Indian classical music and went straight into AC/DC and Ozzy and then Yngwie. I never really got into Clapton or Hendrix. However, they are truly brilliant. Sometimes I feel like the odd man out but it is what it is. Haha

Metalhead: Do you think guitarists were more passionate and dedicated in the "old times"? 

Prashant Aswani: I have no idea. If I had to guess, I would say kids now a days play with amazing technique. 

Metalhead: Can you name one golden rule for guitar beginners than can help us, the noobs, tame this beautiful instrument?

Prashant Aswani: Play what makes you happy. Play all the time if it makes you happy. Play what comes easy for you.  Learn what inspires you to play more.  If you like what you play, then that's all that matters. 

Metalhead: Thank you once again! We are looking forward to listen to your guitar magic!

Prashant Aswani: Thank you very much! I look forward to experiencing your beautiful Country! 

Ziua Chitarelor este un concept unic in lume propus de chitaristul italian Corrado Sgandurra incepand cu anul 2009. Stabilit in Romania, chitaristul concepe un festival original din toate punctele de vedere, dedicat nu doar chitaristilor, ci si iubitorilor de muzica buna. 

In primele 3 editii, festivalul a gazduit numerosi chitaristi de renume international care nu numai ca au sustinut recitaluri, dar au si impartasit doritorilor secretele interpretarii la chitara in cadrul unor master class-uri organizare in scop educativ si cultural pe tot parcursul evenimentului.

Avand ca principala motivatie educarea tinerilor muzicieni romani si ridicarea nivelului calitativ de interpretare instrumentala, festivalul a permis ca accestul publicului sa fie gratuit, incurajand tinerele talente sa-si imbogateasca si actualizeze cunostintele muzicale.

Ziua Chitarelor, aflat la cea de-a patra editie, este un festival extrem de popular, cu fan cluburi in toata tara si cu foarte multi fani aflati dincolo de granitele Romaniei.

Aceasta editie a festivalului Ziua Chitarelor este organizat de Centrul pentru Resurse Civice cu sprijinul Primariei Municipiului Constanta.

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  • Data: 12:27 - 25.08.2016