Voivod lucreaza la un nou album

Voivod lucreaza la un nou album

 Desi a trecut doar un an de cand a fost lansat cel mai nou material discografic semnat Voivod intitulat 'The Wake', se pare ca formatia din Canada deja au inceput treaba la un nou disc.

Anuntul a fost facut de Michel 'Away' Langevin, tobosarul formatiei, in cadrul unui interviu recent. Desi se afla in turneu, au inceput deja sa compuna pentru cel ce ar urma sa fie viitorul album Voivod.

 "We are writing a new album right now on the road, but it's just that the year is booked very solid. After this U.S. tour, we are playing the Maryland Deathfest in May, and after that, we are playing the Jazz Fest, and then we go and play all the festivals in Europe in August. September/October will be another U.S. tour, and November/December, we go back and do the clubs in Europe. We are able to demo material backstage and in the bus, so we're doing everything at once — constant touring and writing."


  • Data: 11:42 - 22.04.2019