Vom avea un nou album semnat Guns n' Roses

Vom avea un nou album semnat Guns n' Roses

 Au tot circulat zvonuri si declaratii cu privire la un posibil nou material de studio semnat Guns n' Roses, inca nici una dintre declaratii nu fusese facuta fie de Axl, Slash sau Duff McKagan.

Primul care a vorbit despre noul material a fost Slash si a facut-o in cadrul unei emisiuni din Japonia. Chitaristul a confirmat faptul ca in momentul de fata, in Guns se intampla lucruri care ar urma sa se incheie cu lansarea unui nou album.

"Axl, Duff, myself and Richard have all talked about... there's material and stuff going on already for a new record. It's just, with GUNS N' ROSES, you don't go, 'Oh, there is a plan, and it's gonna be like this,' because that's not how it works. So, basically, the only real answer to give is we're hoping to put a new record out, and we'll just see what happens when it happens."

Ultimul album lansat de Axl, Slash si Duff impreuna a fost 'The Spaghetti Incident?', album de cover-uri.

  • Data: 09:30 - 15.02.2019